Monday, April 10, 2023


I'm expression a fundamental need of the human experience?

Whether we want to believe it or not, there is something about our need to express things that is important to acknowledge.

For example, I’d like to write more. I think this is true, primarily because it is a means of expression. Writing, for me, is an avenue — perhaps a primary one — of expressing something. Sometimes, I don't even know ahead of time what that I want to express. But, I feel a drive to do it — not only to be heard, but also for the exercise of doing so. It feels like a need to contribute something to the world. Who the audience is, is another matter (and one easy to get tangled up in). But, making a contribution through the expression of my experience feels important somehow. As I observe the world and all the expression going on in it, I'm guessing I'm not alone.  Our experiences are express.

Do each of us have both a need and a gift for expression in some way?