Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Don't Forget to Grieve

Those of us who inhabit the sphere of “American Christianity” live in a world that doesn’t know when, how, or even why to grieve. For us, Christianity is about victory, it’s about feeling better about ourselves. It’s upbeat, inspiring, short, and peppy. I know one pastor of a large church who once asked his worship leaders not to play any songs written in a minor key. Too much of a downer.

-- Bob Hyatt

For more, click here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Truth

The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.

-- Flannery O'Connor

Monday, March 22, 2010


Liberty means responsibility.  That is why most men dread it.

-- George Bernard Shaw

In light of the role of 'responsibility' in The Shack, I have found myself intrigued by the possibility of any potential comeback for it. I would feel a bit more comfortable with something like the words 'allows for' or 'accommodates' in place of 'means' in the quote above.  But, I'm still young....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Brokering Goodness

I want to stop brokering goodness with God...from God and wherever else I think it is.  I want to yield completely to God's goodness, the only real goodness there is, whether it feels like goodness to me or not.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lets Not Be Afraid To Look

Lets not be afraid to look at everything that has brought us to where we are now and trust that we will soon see in it the guiding hand of a loving God.

-- Henri Nouwen

Monday, March 08, 2010


God uses life to offer humility to everyone.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

What Is In Us

We must lay before Him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.

-- C.S. Lewis

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Melissa Pritchard on Life and Writing

Several ideas resonate with me from this interview with Melissa Pritchard...mostly things that I cannot yet fully put words to. The ones below are sprinkled throughout the interview, referenced in full by the link below.  I'll enjoy musing opportunities on these over the next few runs of mine.

I believe greatness of soul demands sacrifice, and sacrifice implies the death or deaths of the smaller self, of the overcoat of ego, of the shield of good opinion.

I was drawn by the idea that mysticism may more accurately partake of the nature of reality than we, in our deadening, pedestrian habits, do.

...let go of your dull, safe, unilateral reality—cross into the light, the vibration of light, move in circles, by spinning, into divine mystery, into the elusive, prodigious stream of creation.

I had liked the archbishop, and the fact of his precipitous, very public fall from grace did not disillusion me; it deepened my conviction that compassion, a tender understanding the complex and sometimes tragic contradictions in human beings, was central to the importance and power of storytelling.

-- Melissa Pritchard, Image Interview

Monday, March 01, 2010

Accept It, Knowing...

Accept as good whatever happens to you or affects you, knowing that nothing happens without God.

-- The Didache