Friday, December 09, 2022

Normal America strikes back

Regarding our ever-present diet of controversy — surely we're over it already, aren't we?  Maybe we are...:

My new obsession is that most of America is exponentially more normal than cable TV, Twitter and the most-read mainstream stories make it seem, Jim writes.
  • Why it matters: The past few months prove that for all the hyperventilating and self-loathing, normal America is prevailing over the loudmouths on the left and the right who dominate our screens.
Before you email me that I'm nuts, let's go to the tape:
  • Most election deniers running for positions to manage elections were defeated, contrary to widespread worries.
  • We had a razor-thin election for control of Congress, yet virtually everyone accepted the results, even when the vote-counting dragged on for days. Minimal protests followed.
  • The nation is on the brink of federal protection for same-sex marriage, with 71% of Americans in support of it — unthinkable less than a decade ago.
  • Democrats have mostly dropped their "defund the police" calls, replaced by a general consensus that police are a vital, if imperfect, part of safer communities.  Continue here....
-- Jim VandeHei