Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Say More

Some people say too much; others don't say enough.

A lot of the time, both are motivated by some type of ego protection.

I have an aversion to saying too much.  So, it is easier for me to believe it is better to not say something.

As I grow, however, I sense I need to err more on the side of saying too much, rather than not enough (it is likely that err will be involved either way).  I suspect I would have more regret over what I didn't say, than what I did say (especially, knowing my tendencies above).

It is true; each time I have done this, it has cost me something.  But, at the same time, it is also true that what I have discovered by doing so has, perhaps, been even more valuable than what I have lost.

Someone else once said something about this type of  saving / losing proposition about life....

Note to self—it is time for me to say more.