Wednesday, February 11, 2015


We often can't hear very much of someone's judgment of us, until something else is in place.  If, for example, we feel that we aren't liked or enjoyed...then a judgment often just feels like criticism.

But, being 'liked' by others isn't the constant we otherwise hope it would be and really seems to come-and-go (like feelings).  In the end, what we really have to know is that we are loved first, because love doesn't give way to the fickleness of the feelings of being liked (in fact, at times, we know there is good reason for us not to be liked or enjoyed).  When I know I am loved, however, I can listen to someone's perception of me...without being so threatened.

...otherwise, all I can do is peddle things that get you to like me.  ...which feels pretty undesirable to you.

When I know that I am loved, I don't need to be liked ( much - smile).