Thursday, December 05, 2013

The Waters Below

The waters below are tempestuous.  Every truth becomes real, when a story surrounds it...reveals it.

The past couple of months have been increasingly anxious for me.  Obligations at work require that I make decisions that are impacting people's lives in tangible ways.  If we don't make them, we will not long have a business.  ...the rationale comes fairly easily, in the big picture; it's just business.

But, the disruption doesn't settle quite this easily - it isn't what we want to be.  It isn't what I want to be.  And, something lurks beneath the roiling, splashing surface - deeper things, deeper pains, personal memories of when I was the recipient of the decisions I now have to make.  It reminds me....

It reminds me that there isn't complete disconnect that I, myself, could be in the very same situation the very ones I am creating.  How to prevent!?  ...instinct galvanizes my attention.  But, the solutions remain elusive.  Things I am attempting to control are really...out of my control.  And my memories remind me of how true this is.  The days continue...relief is not emerging, as the waters rage on towards a waterfall.  I dig at myself...questioning - looking for something, at least, I can control for (I tell myself).

...I have not been embracing Peace - peace itself or the Giver of it.  I have been seduced away...believing that I have to work harder at something, in order to save myself, if I could just find it.  The rain-waters fill up the gorge; the banks are increasingly separated.  As I dangle above them, I am closer to falling in...and being swept away.  Or, so it seems....

But, it isn't really true.  Fear, not Peace, is prevailing.  I am recognizing these waters...and that everything that really matters is actually still OK (even if life becomes more painful).  I am secure.  I can stand in this moment...trusting, waiting.  ...waiting for something far greater than simply the relief from the threatening waters below me.

...a Bridge is forming beneath my feet.