Wednesday, March 07, 2012


We tend to live in very luxurious times, especially relative to much of human history.  Things like running water, hot water on demand, private toilets...not to mention foods and clothing and entertainment; with variety more than we can even describe.

What do you think are some of the costs of such luxuries?  Are there ways that we 'pay' for this, that we don’t realize?
  • Ever notice how you feel or act when we can’t have these things...and right when we want them?
  • What is happening when we are bored even with these things and just ‘want something else’?
  • What is going on when we feel a bother to thank God for them?
After going ‘without’ such things, how much more do we enjoy them when we can have them (...immensely more...than when they are just 'expected', right?)?

Does luxury promote ingratitude?

Does luxury reduce our fear (reverence) for sedating our sense of need of him?