Saturday, May 07, 2022

Randoms...? (from Others)

This is what happens in a nation captured by negative polarization. There are millions of people that aren’t merely unpersuadable — our cocooned media landscape makes them effectively unreachable. It’s not just that opposing messaging doesn’t break through; they’re not even aware of their opponent’s argument.

-- David French

If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy

-- David Frum 

The ego has a need to feel separate and superior.  It sees its own faults in other people.

-- Richard Rohr

In the Greek language, the phrases “love neighbor” and “love yourself” are connected by the word os, which is like an equal sign. This suggests we are called to love the self and the neighbor in exactly the same way. When we don’t love ourselves, it is impossible to love our neighbor. . . .

-- Jacqui Lewis

...any thread? Prior Randoms...? (from Others).