Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Habits, Proximity, and Surprise

I have 3 posts unfinished posts started for today.  So, right now, I'm chiding myself with "Hey, how about a little focus here...?!?"

It's not really working, as I'm still not landing the plane of my mind.  Perhaps, sometimes it's better to just notice what is (rather than try to scold it into any particular shape)....

I have been thinking a lot about our habits — how they enable us, but also how they ensconce us.

I've also been thinking about proximity — how differently we see things when we are actually close to them.

And, I've been thinking about the role of surprise in the discoveries of my day-to-day life — how often it actually is an unanticipated by-product (perhaps of things like our habits and proximity).

Today's mash-up may be a likelihood because of things like my recent viewing of the movie "A May Called Otto", a powerful sermon I recently heard on the healing wisdom of grief, the house-fire of a co-worker, more mass-shootings, the personal disruption of the last year, a desire for change, a future I can't force my way into (but can still walk towards), etc.  So many dynamics, both of kind and nature.  

So, I sit here in the middle of it all — sometimes naïve, sometimes bewildered, sometimes frustrated, sometimes enlivened, and sometimes scared...often more powerless than I prefer to be (feel).

When I write like this, I've noticed that it is often in the revisions where the better stuff lies or, at the very least, where the clarity is.  One thought or way of expressing something leads to another, which opens up another and which leads to an eventual return to the original one, but at that point with a quite a bit more nuance and flavor in tow.

Sometimes, this can go on all day (even if I can't actually get to the editing at the time).  Today, I'm experimenting with the model here.  I'll add and subtract, tweak, revise and supplement as my engagement allows.  Let's see if and where it lands after all....

So here's a subsequent thought (approaching final descent?) — what if surprise is related to my proximity to...continue here?