Sunday, November 09, 2014

CT: God Is Not A Candy Machine

At the end of the day this is a mystery, and God is not a candy machine. We have to live with that.  If people are insisting on a system, they are misunderstanding God.

If God really invented the universe and created it out of nothing, my goodness, it’s like an ant arguing with a human. It reflects our inability to grasp the greatness of God. We demand a kind of pint-sized logic of him.

We demand a user-friendly God, and that’s simply not who he is. He created the galaxies. If he deigns to talk to you, ever, or do anything for you, ever, you should just be grateful and shut up. Don’t demand that he now has to do whatever you demand him to do. It really boils down to humility.

To certain questions the first thing we have to say is, I don’t know. It’s a profound mystery.

The Bible tells us we are supposed to pray, and it’s God’s business what he does with the prayer.  Continue....

-- Eric Metaxas, fron a CT interview about his new book, Miracles