Sunday, April 06, 2014


"Lord, today I submit to you."

Some days, I feel more like saying, "I want to submit to you today", because I'm not really sure how committed I am to the first version.  It may be splitting hairs; but, it may not.

Either way, a thought drifted into my mind about 30 minutes later.  It had to do with how little others seem to care about me, proven by something I would desire from them, that rarely happens.  Deciding how far to 'run with' this thought, I was reminded of my earlier prayer.  "Lord, I want to submit to You today", was being afforded an opportunity.  Would I submit...right now?  Would I be willing to believe, that God will meet my needs, when others don't or can't?  Or, would I perpetuate the thought that I need something from others, that I deserve something from others, that I will pursue getting it from them, one way or another?

I need to submit such things to God.  If I don't, I end up reaching for the all-too-handy tools of violence (however masked that violence may be) to require others to give me what I need (want).

"Lord, today I submit to you."