Friday, February 03, 2012


We must learn to not fear our fear.

More often than not, fear is used to manipulate us from without...and from within.  But, while not all fear is illegitimate, some of it is.    So the question becomes what will we do with our fears.  What will we turn to in it?  I think this is something we must learn...over a lifetime.

For example, learning yesterday of my wife's melanoma, created fears within her (and within me).  What naturally arose within us as we were reminded of our mortality?  Within me, strong inclinations to anticipate what might happen leaped forward. did desires to find ways to avoid the possibly overwhelming nature of all of the unknowns.   But, we are leaning to look past these inclinations and temptations.  Rather than turn to things to help us manage, we learn through such things to turn to Someone.