Monday, January 09, 2012

Faith and Reason

Many people today act like a someone created a peace treaty between reason and faith after reason won the war.  Reason cedes territory to faith, as long as faith relinquishes its rational claims.  Reason is in the realm of public, objective truth, while faith is relegated to the realm of private experience and personal therapy.

We live in a world that assumes that reason is unbiased, when in fact our reason itself is enslaved to naturalism:  a denial of the world's dependence on God for its creation and preservation, much less redemption.

When it comes to faith, you can believe whatever you want, as long as you don't think it's true for everyone else. You can have faith in whatever makes you happy, as long as you don't presume to evaluate my faith.  After all, it's mine: deeply personal and not open to public inspection.  We have all experienced a culture that identifies reason with naturalism and faith with feeling.

Religion and spirituality are all about what we feel and think deep within our precious, delightful, individual souls.  While the true God calls us outdoors into a history that sweeps us into it wake.

-- Michael Horton

More from this good article here...