Saturday, August 27, 2011

Following God

What does 'following God' really mean?  We could probably find a thousand answers, if we want to look.  But, the only one that seems to sustain us is the answer in any moment of our lives that is pretty concrete and pretty personal.  I like the abstract ones, particularly the ones I can relate to.  But I find that, like many other things, I've forgotten more of those than I will ever remember.  The one that is alive, that feels real at any given time, is the one that expresses something quite personal, something tangible, some real example of what it looks like right now.

For example, I have had to make a difficult decision of late, one that I wish I didn't have to make.  After sorting through all the debris surrounding the 'issues' involved, I really end up at one place; what is God asking me to do?  When I make the decision, I have to in some personal way satisfy the question of following God in it.

So I think the real question is somewhat closer to something like, what does it mean for me to 'follow' God right now?  In what I am facing?

...from there I decide whether or not to continue developing the habit of turning to God with what I am facing or turning to other things, other explanations, other theories, even other people.  For me, at this point in my life, 'following God' means asking Him about the situation I am facing and being willing to wait for an I continue with what is front me to do today.  When everything else has been exhausted, it gets back down to me and God, our conversation, our wrestling, my openness (even as He opens me), my not choosing diversions...a submission, if you will, to a long-term answer to this questions in spite of what I want in the moment.