Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Humility of Life

Among other things, life is designed to humble us.  It repeatedly offers us this opportunity.  It seems to be more of a matter of how long we choose to resist these opportunities.  But God is patient and seems willing to let life do this work in us.  And, many times it does its work…it humbles us, sooner or later.  Of course, we can choose to fight these things (Him) all the way to the end, whether we know it is Him we are resisting or not. 

I am grateful for news of someone that appears to have yielded to this reality by letting go of her stubbornness and choosing to release some of her pain and to stop using life to make a point about how she has been wronged.  In her mid-50s, the opportunity for humility seems to have prevailed and, at least in part, it appears she has chosen it.  God is not worried about time, about how long such choices seem to take, and perhaps we should be less so as well…in others lives and in our own.

God simply offers us life, each day.  And, each day, we have the opportunity to simply choose Him, to not resist Him, to turn to Him with all that we know and with all that we don’t know.  It seems this is true in almost every area of our lives; we have the opportunity each day to simply choose to start, repentantly, to begin again.  Whether this be with our relationships, our job, our family, our choices in eating, exercise, leisure, worship, etc. we simply have the opportunity to choose each day…to carry all of our reasons not to do something, not to trust, to hold grudges, to complain to justify, or to choose to submit, to be humble, to let go, to turn to God, to repent of what we need to, to ask for help and wait for his provision.  It takes us a while to see how really simple this is, but when we do…we are profoundly relieved and free…to love the way we want to, in the way God wants us to.

Perhaps this is why Jesus instructed us to simply pray each day, that God would provide us what we need to live.  Perhaps this is why it is repeated throughout the scriptures that we always have TODAY…to not harden our hearts and turn to the God, who loves us.   Perhaps it is in this simple, daily, humble living through which God is making all things new.