Friday, August 07, 2009

The Sway of Fullness

Life once again feels very full. I move back and forth now in a sway between perceiving it to be ‘too full’ and simply a good ‘full life’. I wonder about what makes me perceive it to be one way or the other at any given time. I wonder if my disposition to it stems from either pressure I feel from others (real or not) or pressure I put on myself and that, therefore, the movement in my feelings towards this fullness of life is not really what I think it is. At times I can get quite anxious about this, but usually if I am willing to engage in a process with it, I find that my anxiousness is rooted in a belief that something is ‘up to me’ that in reality, really isn’t up to me. I’m thankful for a process that regularly leads me away from anxiousness and towards a letting go of it, a dependence on something else (someone), if you will.

When I am in or coming out of one of these seasons, I catch myself more often than not thinking that if I didn’t have to spend so much time and emotional energy at work then I could be more of the person I would like to be. I’m guessing at some simple, practical level this is logically true. But I wonder if this assessment and conclusion misses a bigger more significant point. That point being, that perhaps it is less a factor of work being an obstacle and more that it is a pathway. The nirvana that I imagine in a well organized, spacious, and thoughtful life perhaps is not achieved by sedation of certain things that impose themselves on my attention. Perhaps it is the obstacle itself that leads me towards the God that organized, spacious, and thoughtful life would afford.

As I reflect on the notion that God caused the curse in ‘working the field’ for Adam, it seems that it is in the very curse itself that God was creating something for man to find Him. Of course, we can as we regularly do, miss the point of God’s curse and therefore Himself. But I’ve more regularly noticed that a flower seems to grow from the soil of my anxiety over the lack of ability I have to get myself and keep myself in the serenity I desire. I suspect that if could I do it myself, I would again be content to hold on to ‘it’ rather than the one who provides it. This all seems to point to a God who is way ahead of us in understanding what we really need and even want in life. He is orchestrating our existence by creating opportunities that push and draw me to Himself, even through His ‘curses’. My opportunity is to believe that this is true, that it is not up to me to create my utopia or whatever mini-version of it I can concoct, and trust that it is often through the very obstacles that I feel that I find this God. I often try to find a way around such obstacles, when the opportunity is the pathway through them. God knows this. He knows the value of suffering and He lovingly does not relent to my understanding of ‘the better way’ I may be imagining.

So, off I go to another day of work…when I would rather be thinking, resting, or playing in the sunlight of the natural world. There is not only purpose in it, but a pathway to the very deepness I long for in God. Selah.