Monday, January 01, 2024

2024 - the Year of Us?

The older I get, the more I recognize one of the gifts of being human is... being limited.  

Contemplating another new year, I am struck with the notion of what little I can do, at least in terms of leveraging any dramatic shift of tide in the economies of worldly things. And, while that is certainly true, it leaves me much more at a fork in the road than it does in the gutter.

Because things like leveraging a dramatic shift was never really in my (or, for that matter, anyone else's) domain in the first place.  Clearly, such things are above my pay grade.

But, the fork-opportunity is to acknowledge what that doesn't mean.  That doesn't mean that what I can do doesn't matters deeply and could, in fact (somehow), change the world.  But, if it does, it will be far more likely that it only does so over the long-haul of time and because of what my small contribution adds to the small contributions of many others — because the accumulating aggregated power of those small things by so many is massive.

This is where the short-term economies of leverage and scalability, as defined by our world, don't really register in the broader and more significant ones.  Our small and seemingly insignificant choices of love are the very leverage of God.

And, this seems to take some time for us to discover — the power we do and don't have.  

One real beauty here is the pressure this takes OFF us.  We get to simply choose to follow the direction the Spirit of God has put within us through the limited talents and interests given to us.  We don't have to do it all or solve everything.  We just have to explore and pursue the small (and significant) parts we can play together for the good of all.  

So, what if our limitations aren't really liabilities after all, but only enable us to both better serve others and enter this year?

What If...2024 could be the year of what we do together — the 'Year of US' (instead of another 'Year of ME')?