Monday, July 10, 2023

Swing For The Fences

I'm wondering...if you feel like you have ever really “swung for the fences“? 

I’m not sure I have and I don’t know what all the implications are, but I feel a kind of working-sadness about it….

Sometimes it seems like it could be said that I am more comfortable evaluating the game than actually playing it.  That bothers me.

Both of these descriptions feel like they have a degree of accuracy to them.  On the other hand, comparatively speaking, some might feel a bit baffled by such an assessment.  So, what really is the genesis of such self-reflection?  Is it true?  Is it because with whom I am making a comparison?  

Or, is it both (feels somehow closer to the truth)?  What is the energy behind it needing to be one OR the other?  It beckons a kind of closure, when really it remaining open for further consideration is probably the more healthy course to take.  Where and how is it either one...or both?