Sunday, December 24, 2023

The New Eve

Mary is the new EVE, and in her trust,
offers a new way of being.

Eve says, let me have it.
Mary says, let it be.

Eve came from Adam,
But the new Adam, came from the new Eve.

-- Rich Villodas

Mary is the model of the faith to which God calls all of us: a total and unreserved yes to God’s request to be present in and to the world through us. 

The question then becomes for us:  How do we also give birth, as Mary did? 

There is no mention of any moral worthiness, achievement, or preparedness in Mary, only humble trust and surrender. She gives us all, therefore, a bottomless hope in our own little place. If we ourselves try to “manage” God or manufacture our own worthiness by any perfection or performance principle whatsoever, we will never give birth to the Christ, but only more of ourselves. Continue here.... 

-- Richard Rohr

More on the flesh-and-blood-ness of Mary here and here...

...which only makes her song (Luke 1) even more profound.