Thursday, November 23, 2023

Involve Your Boys / Symphony / Polar Plunge

For the early-risers on this thankful day, here's a couple of unrelated prism-like (glints of light) considerations for you:


This is the time of year we pause to make room for gratitude. And we think about sharing gifts with those we hold dear.

At the same time we are confronted by the news and can so quickly be overwhelmed by the suffering in the world, much of it caused by humans who perpetuate the lie that violence is the first and best and only recourse.

Our both/and, beautiful broken world can make a grateful heart hurt. We struggle to hold all of the above.

I’m reminded again of a story my Armenian piano teacher told me in college. She knew of two women — distant relatives — who during WWII had managed to save a little extra money to buy winter coats this time of year. They walked into town on a windy gray November day and were surprised to discover that a visiting symphony orchestra was going to be performing a concert that evening.

They looked at each other in knowing disbelief.

“We can be cold for one winter,” one of them announced as they stepped up to the box office to purchase ticket.

-- Linford Detweiler


And, this one from Garrison Keillor might make you smile more than once: