Saturday, July 01, 2017

Ways To Create Your Own Happiness

Happiness comes in so many different forms that it can be hard to grasp. Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s taken ahold of you.

And let’s face it, happiness and work do not always go hand in hand. A 2013 Gallup study, which reported data from more than 180 million people, found that just 13% of us consider ourselves to be “happily engaged at work.”

Those who do rate themselves as happy are 36% more motivated, six times more energized, and twice as productive as their unhappy counterparts.

Happiness actually has less to do with your circumstances than you might think. A University of Illinois study found that people who earn the most (more than $10 million annually) are only a smidge happier than the average Joes and Janes who work for them, and psychologists from the University of California found that genetics and life circumstances only account for about 50% of a person’s happiness. The rest is up to you.

So, we went digging until we found some great ways that emotionally intelligent people create their own happiness:
  • They don't obsess over things they can't control. 
  • They choose their battles wisely. 
  • They get enough sleep. 
  • They exercise during the week. 
  • They have a growth mindset. 
  • They clear the clutter. 
  • They lend a hand. 
  • They let their strengths flow. 
  • They believe the best is yet to come. 
Life circumstances have little to do with happiness because much happiness is under your control—the product of your habits and your outlook on life. Happiness is synthetic—you either create it, or you don’t.  Continue here...

-- Travis Bradberry