Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Tables Will Be Turned

I feel more aware today than ever of how easily the tables can be turned.

What I didn't need yesterday, I may need today. What I need today, I may not need tomorrow.   

And, it all can change without a moments notice, as recent experience with our son has shown.  Life is many things, including tenuous.  

Anything I have to give now, I may need given to me at some point:  kindness, money, physical care, health, friendship, grace, etc. — in other words, in time, we all experience need of a rather common (shared) set of things.

Few things are not reducible past what we all need — and any difference in the perception of that may just be a matter of timing.

It probably isn't as much that this might be true — it is more likely that this will be true.  The tables will be turned; it is just a matter of how and when.

If I will likely receive what I have been willing to give, may that be a both directions.