Monday, February 08, 2021

Most Full Expression

I'm many of us live most of our lives in fear of the most full expression of who we are or of what we want?

...another lingering reflection, from a recent Randoms....

Isn't it the case that our most full expression of ourselves is often restrained because of the criticism or rejection we anticipate from others. And, rejection from others inhibits our sense of ourselves. The mere potential of rejection is such a powerful influence in our lives.

We often equate criticism with rejection. And, there probably is some reason to do that. However, they are actually not the same thing.

What If...we lived enough from our desire (what we want to express) that we were able to discover the difference between criticism and rejection? What if we actually prospered from that discovery?

Can we even be fully ourselves when we're maintaining our sense-of-self primarily coming from someone outside of us?

What if our sense of self cannot be developed until we find something more innate about where it comes from.  If it doesn't come primarily from the outside, where does it come from?

Our sense of self is much more rooted in the true nature of what we are connected to.  Of course, when we lose our sense of that (when we are not aware of our true connectedness), it seems to naturally follow that we seek it via other ways where connection looks possible.

But, if our connectedness is truly not external but rather, internal, then we have to pursue something there. 

Looking in the right place is key to finding...things like our most full expression.